[Mapserver-users] Raster: rotation params in WLD file

Marian Grigoras mgrig at mnet-online.de
Sat Feb 22 12:39:54 PST 2003

I will try to clarify it as good as I can.

Input maps:
Several maps of buildings, that have some deviation from North.
That is, when I look at the picture in some editor (not rotated in
any way) it is NOT North-up.

Given a certain point (lon, lat), I have to cut(crop) the
corresponding input map around this point. I do not need
North-up maps as output. So a crop from the original input map
will do it, but the crop has to be correct.

Optional output:
The North-up map as output would be a very nice feature, so
I would also appreciate some suggestion in this direction, although
this is not my main focus for the moment.

Thanks a lot,

Marian -

I think you might double-check to make sure you're solving the right
problem.  You say that your source map does not have North as up.  For
many standard map projections, North is not normally up - this is part
of the map projection and is expected.

If you could give us a little more information about the input map
you're working with, and some info about what exactly you want your
output result to be, then we'll figure out the best solution AND help
you use it!

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