[Mapserver-users] How to label points with attributes from Mysql-DB

James Jefferson jjeffers at aprsworld.net
Fri Feb 14 16:09:57 PST 2003

I wrote a program called mysql2shp that lets you do a MySQL query and generate 
a shapefile. I actually am using it for plotting weather with mapserver, too.

Here is an example:

mysql2shp -hlocalhost -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD -dDATABASE /tmp/wind "SELECT 
lastposition.longitude,lastposition.latitude,0,lastweather.wind_speed AS 
wspeed,lastweather.wind_direction AS wdir,lastweather.source FROM 
lastweather,lastposition WHERE lastweather.wind_speed != '\n' AND 

It can be downloaded from:



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