[Mapserver-users] Digitizing maps

randy james rjames57 at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 10 09:22:14 PST 2003


Do you need the jpg converted to vector? Or can you
make a world file for the jpg's and use them as is?


--- Paul Dymecki <millardymecki at sympatico.ca> wrote:
> Hello,
>      I just recently(about a month ago) started
> using mapserver/mapscript, to do basic
> webmapping(projections ect..)   Now I'm trying to
> convert some jpg's of vegetation zones to digital
> format.  As i don't have access to arcinfo, i was
> looking at GRASS as an alternative to do this.  Can
> anyone give suggestions on which way to go on this?
> thx,
> Paul Dymecki

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