[Mapserver-users] Compilation Question

Kevin Slover Kevin.Slover at noaa.gov
Tue Feb 4 07:40:22 PST 2003

Good day all,
	First time poster... and first time user... so far I am liking what I
have seen in the documentation, and have heard great reviews about this

	 I have several questions regarding the configuration.  I am attempting
to configure with gdal support, but with no luck.  I run the configure
script with --with-gdal=/usr/local/gdal-, and it
succesfully creates the makefile.  However, the makefile crashes, giving
me ~50 undefined references when it attempts to compile shp2img, all
relating to a "undefined reference to 'GDALXXXXXXXXXXX".  Any thoughts? 
If you are using tiff/jpeg support, does GDAL need to be configured with
these supports as well??  And maybe, as well, does mapserver support the
latest GDAL release?

	One last question... thought I would try without GDAL support, and had
the make run through successfully.  However, in make install, it was
attempting to copy map.h from an old install of Mapserver (a previous,
extremely unsuccessful attempt).  It is in the Makefile script at:
cp -f map.h , attempting to install libmap.a.  Should I download a copy
of Mapserver 3.5, configure, and then make clean to solve this problem??

	Thanks in advance for any advice, help.  I will continue to work
through to see what will happen...

LTJG Kevin Slover, NOAA
GIS Specialist/Oceanographer
NOAA/TPC/TSB/Storm Surge Unit
11691 SW 17th Street 
Miami FL  33165

W (305) 229-4456

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