[Mapserver-users] Configure Error regex in php

Lars Schylberg lars.schylberg at sssk.se
Sat Feb 8 15:07:04 PST 2003

I have tried for som time now to compile Mapserver with mapscript 
support but I keep getting the
error that php4 should be compiled with: --with-system-regex

Our php4.3.0 is compiled with:  --with-regex=system that should be the 
correct way now.
We have a Red Hat 7.2 machine.
This is what my configure script looks like for mapserver-3.6.4 configure:

FLAGS="-O2" OPTIM="-O2" ./configure \
  --with-proj=../proj-4.4.5 \
  --with-libwww \
  --with-gdal \
  --without-tiff \
  --with-gd \

Please help I have been struggling with this for several day and I cant 
figure out
what I am doing wrong.  I have tried to read all the advice on MapServer 
Wiki's PHP Mapscipt page

/Lars Schylberg

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