[Mapserver-users] Browser anomalies

Michael Schulz mschulz at webgis.de
Wed Feb 19 09:19:51 EST 2003


a while ago i had a similar problem. In my case the problem with the message
"msQueryByPoint(): Search returned
no results. No matching record(s) found." came from the fact, that younger Gecko
engines (i.e. Netscape 7, Mozilla 1, etc.) did not submit the img.x / img.y
values to mapserv-cgi. The problem was related to that fact, that i used a
javascript onSubmit routine and the function that was called was enclosed by
<script>...</script> - after changing that to <script
language="JavaScript">...</script> it worked - for me.

HTH, Michael

Robert Stanton schrieb:

> Hi List
> I am experiencing a strange problem whereby a query template only appears in
> certain browsers and returns the error:  "msQueryByPoint(): Search returned
> no results. No matching record(s) found." in others. I am querying a point
> layer in cgi mode (gif output) using version 3.6.2 on RH Linux 7.2.
> The browsers that work are IE 6.0 and Opera 6.0 on Windows and Netscape 4.78
> on Linux. The ones that don't work are Mozilla 1.0.1 and Netscape 6.1 on
> Windows, and Mozilla 0.9 and Konqueror 2.2 on Linux. I have noticed that the
> ones that work all send the img.x and img.y values near the end of the query
> string, whereas the ones that don't work send the values near the beginning
> of the query string. I have put two examples at the end of this message.
> btw. the main template works fine in all browsers.
> I have tried the obvious such as increasing the 'Tolerance' value in the
> layer object to ridiculous levels, without success. I have also searched the
> archives, similarly without success. Unfortunately I cannot put these on the
> web just yet as they are still under development on my local intranet.
> Has anyone seen this problem before? Any advice would be extremely welcome.
> Robert Stanton
> Durban
> South Africa
> (btw. Many thanks to Frank Warmerdam, Ed McNierney, Kieran Ames, Steve
> Woodbridge and others who replied to a problem I had in late January
> concerning hyperlinks on output pages. I experienced a disk crash at about
> that time and was unable to reply)
> Examples of query string: (slightly reformatted)
> Windows - Mozilla 1.0.1 - ERROR:
> img.x=184
> &img.y=229
> &mode=query
> &zoom=1
> &imgxy=249.5+199.5
> &imgext=28.864952+-29.384614+31.535048+-27.250000
> &map=%2Fhome%2Ftkzn%2Fpublic_html%2Fmaps%2Fbattlefields%2Fbtflds_362.map
> &scale=1682065.472443
> &savequery=true
> &mapext=shapes
> Windows - IE 6.0:
> mode=query
> &zoom=1
> &imgxy=249.5+199.5
> &imgext=28.864952+-29.384614+31.535048+-27.250000
> &map=%2Fhome%2Ftkzn%2Fpublic_html%2Fmaps%2Fbattlefields%2Fbtflds_362.map
> &scale=1682065.472443
> &savequery=true
> &mapext=shapes
> &img.x=184
> &img.y=229
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Michael Schulz                                in medias res
Dipl.-Geologe                              Gesellschaft für
                                Informationstechnologie mbH
                             Sautierstr. 38, 79104 Freiburg
                                     0761 55695-95 (Fax 96)
mschulz at webgis.de                             www.webgis.de

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