[Mapserver-users] problems with ms 3.7

Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
Thu Jan 2 12:28:42 EST 2003

About the WMS/WFS parameters ...

Actually, it is quite possible to have WMS and WFS using quite different
parameters .... For example, projection and re-projection handling in those
2 specs are different, which creates the requirement of setting the SRS type
parameters differently depending on which protocol you're using.

Also, for abstracts, I can also see the need to have seperate ones, the
description of a WMS and a WFS can be quite different, since they basically
do quite different things really.

I guess MAYBE the title could be unified :) (But for consistency it won't !)

This was implemented in such a way that one could potentially use a given
mapfile to serve both WMS AND WFS, but in such a case, the mapserver
developper really should NOT make any assumptions on how similar or
different you (the service provider) want to make them look. I personally
NEED them to be different for example, simply because the plain english
desciptions are very diffferent, and the projection handling being
different, I need those seperate as well.

My .02$

-----Original Message-----
From: Stepan Kafka [mailto:stepan.kafka at centrum.cz]
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 9:19 AM
To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
Subject: [Mapserver-users] problems with ms 3.7

Hi all,
  I am testing mapserver 3.7 from 30.12.02 (GD 2.1, GDAL-CVS version, TTF 2,
WMS + WFS servers...) on Linux RH 8 machine, but found some problems:

- wider lines (size > 1) made by "circle" symbol have black thick
"outlines". This error I found only in RGB/RGBA mode, in PC256 everything is

- It seems that label MAXSIZE parameter doesn't work with scaled symbols.
The labels are zoomed without limits.

- Offset lines (e.g. STYLE OFFSET 5 -99) are drawn once on the one side of
the original line, once on the other side. Is this OK? (Using absolute
values of dx, dy?)

- The STYLE is very good for complex symbols, but I don't how can I set e.g.
width polygon outlines (old OVERLAYOUTLINECOLOR syntax)?

- for WMS and WFS are introduced these paremeters in the mapfile, e.g:
that these pairs have the same content in most cases. Wouldn't be reasonable
to use them only once for both services?

Thank you

Stepan Kafka
Help Service Remote Sensing
tel: +420-327514118
mailto:kafka at email.cz

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