[Mapserver-users] Maximum of 50 Classes / Layer?

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at ccgis.de
Fri Jan 3 01:47:52 PST 2003

please could anyone confirm to me that there is a known limitation of 50
classes per layer - or is it a bug?
Whenever I define more than 50 classes in the .map file and request a WMS
capabilitites document, mapserv.exe will hang and not answer.
Is there any possibility to use more than 50 classes?

My system:
 - MapServer 3.6
 - WMS enabled
 - Shape data (300 MB)
 - OS Windows 2000

Arnulf Christl.

Arnulf Christl (R&D)
Heerstr. 162
53111 Bonn
    arnulf.christl at ccgis.de
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