[Mapserver-users] Off topic a bit: Java GML reader/writer...

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Fri Jan 3 13:58:38 EST 2003

I didn't forward this to the list initially, but I guess this could be
of general interest...

Daniel Morissette wrote:
> Steve Lime wrote:
> >
> > Hi folks: Does anyone know a java-based GML reader/writer class? I'm
> > looking to use it to load/save features
> > for a simple online digitizing applet (see
> > http://maps.dnr.state.mn.us/digitize/java/appletTest.html, requires
> > java 2 plugin) using WFS. Thanks much...
> >
> I'm not aware of GML Java classes, but I thought you would be interested
> in this link someone sent me yesterday: http://www.alov.org/
> ALOV is an applet that will load shapefiles or MapInfo MIF files
> directly and allow you to navigate, query, classify them on the client
> side.  The applet is very light and config is a simple XML file. The
> website also suggests that it supports access to WMS layers but I
> haven't had much luck with this feature yet (I contacted the author
> about this).
> Anyway, I was thinking yesterday that it would be cool if ALOV was
> extended to act as a simple WFS client, and this shouldn't be very hard
> given that it supports vector operations already.  I don't know what
> your goal is with your applet, but you might find ALOV to be a good
> starting point instead of reinventing the wheel.
> Daniel
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>  Daniel Morissette               morissette at dmsolutions.ca
>  DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/
> ------------------------------------------------------------

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