[Mapserver-users] raster transparent color

Dean Gadoury gadoury at dmsolutions.ca
Mon Jan 6 16:29:51 EST 2003

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You can use OFFSITE for this. Example:

    NAME "raster_image"
    DATA "../data/image.tif"

Pixels with a value of 0 will not be drawn, or will be drawn transparent 
depending on how you look at it.

Aaron D. Hunt wrote:

> Is there a way to make a color on a raster to be transparent? I have 
> some georef images of interpolated fields with a white fill out side 
> the field boundary. I want to overlay the interpolated fields with 
> ortho backgrounds.
> Thank you for any help
> Aaron D. Hunt

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You can use OFFSITE for this. Example:<br>
&nbsp; LAYER<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; NAME "raster_image"<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; DATA "../data/image.tif"<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; TYPE RASTER<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; STATUS ON<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; OFFSITE 0<br>
&nbsp; END<br>
Pixels with a value of 0 will not be drawn, or will be drawn transparent
depending on how you look at it.<br>
Aaron D. Hunt wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="cite"
 cite="mid008901c2b5c9$ded5e950$1805000a at zedxinc.com">  
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; ">
  <meta content="MSHTML 5.50.4919.2200" name="GENERATOR">
  <div><font face="Arial" size="2">Is there a way to make a color on a raster
to be  transparent? I have some georef images of interpolated fields with
a white fill  out side the field boundary. I want to overlay the interpolated
fields with  ortho backgrounds. </font></div>
  <div><font face="Arial" size="2">Thank you for any help</font></div>
  <div><font face="Arial" size="2">Aaron D. Hunt<br>


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