[Mapserver-users] Zope Mapserver Product

Sean Gillies sgillies at frii.com
Mon Jan 6 13:58:39 PST 2003

Greetings and a great New Year to all,

I've just finished testing a first cut at a Mapserver product for
Zope that I'm calling ZMapserver 0.1, and have made it available
from the url


ZMapserver has Zope management interfaces for administering maps
and several simple mapping functions (draw, center, pan, zoom).
A very simple demo application using a ZTP and Python script is

I am hoping that the Zope and Python mapscript users out there
may try it out, let me know what they think of it, and consider
collaborating on future development.  Dave Graham -- try dropping
it into your Zope server and let me know if it works with all the
raster data!

All that it requires is Zope (I've been testing with 2.6, but
don't anticipate problems with 2.5) and installation of Python
mapscript (recent enough to have the imgObj.saveToString() method)
in a location that Zope can see.  Check out the README file in
the url above for directions and more information and use the
file tests/testZMap.py as API documentation for now.


# Sean Gillies
# sgillies at frii.com

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