[Mapserver-users] mapserver compile problems

Philipp Jacob philipp.jacob at geosysnet.de
Thu Jan 9 08:36:53 PST 2003

ok, i think i have found my mistake!

i recompiled the gdal library, now with the gcc 2.95:
'CXX=/opt/gcc295/bin/c++ CC=/opt/gcc295/bin/gcc ./configure'
'make install'

compiling mapserver made no mistakes anymore.
thanks for all your help!

Daniel Morissette wrote:

>Philipp Jacob wrote:
>>i recompiled the gdal library.
>>configure checked for OGR support and enabled it. well, sounds nice.
>>'make all' 'make install'    done..
>>then i configured the mapserver again.
>>additionally with the option: --with-ogr
>>configure finished successfully and i had a look at the Makefile.
>>OGR support is mentioned there, and the right paths are set.
>>(/usr/local/lib -lgdal.1.1)
>>but 'make' brings even more 'undefined references' than before:
>>./libmap.a(mapogr.o): In function `ogrGeomPoints(OGRGeometry *, shapeObj
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x16c): undefined reference to
>Looks very much like your libgdal.1.1.so doesn't include OGR support. 
>Did you do a 'make clean' after you reconfigured your GDAL and before
>recompiling and reinstalling it?  Did you also do a 'make clean' in the
>MapServer directory before recompiling it?
>I guess you could also check that OGR is really included in your
>libgdal.1.1.so using the following command, you should see about 30
>symbols associated with OGRPolygon:
>nm /usr/local/lib/libgdal.1.1.so | grep OGRPolygon
>The last thing I can think of would be an issue with the order of the
>libraries on the link command, but I don't think I've ever seen this
>happening on any platform with MapServer.

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