[Mapserver-users] mapserver compile problems

Philipp Jacob philipp.jacob at geosysnet.de
Wed Jan 8 03:20:11 PST 2003

i looked for the files 'libgdal.1.1.so' and 'gdal.h' on my system and 
found it in the following paths:



the first is the location where gdal was installed to.
and the second one is just the source directory.
looks like that this was not the final answer for my problem.
it would have been too easy.. ;-)

i start to despair of that thing. :-(
really strange...

Lowell Filak wrote:

>I believe the final answer is here:
>Looks like you will need to do some tinkering to sort this one out.
>Good luck.
>The following message was sent by Philipp Jacob <philipp.jacob at geosysnet.de> on Tue, 07 Jan 2003 17:02:19 +0100.
>>first of all, it didn't work. :-|
>>i recompiled the gdal library.
>>configure checked for OGR support and enabled it. well, sounds nice.
>>'make all' 'make install'    done..
>>then i configured the mapserver again.
>>additionally with the option: --with-ogr
>>configure finished successfully and i had a look at the Makefile.
>>OGR support is mentioned there, and the right paths are set. 
>>(/usr/local/lib -lgdal.1.1)
>>but 'make' brings even more 'undefined references' than before:
>>/opt/gcc295/bin/gcc -O2  -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA  -DUSE_EPPL 
>>-I/usr/local/include         -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include  
>>-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/w3c-libwww -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  
>>shp2img.o  -L. -lmap -lgd -L/usr/local/lib -lgd -ljpeg -lttf -lpng -lz  
>>-ltiff -ljpeg -lttf -lpng -lz -lproj -ljpeg   -L/usr/local/lib 
>>-lgdal.1.1   -L/usr/local/lib -lwwwxml -lxmltok -lxmlparse -lwwwinit 
>>-lwwwapp -lwwwhtml -lwwwtelnet -lwwwnews -lwwwhttp -lwwwmime -lwwwgopher 
>>-lwwwftp -lwwwfile -lwwwdir -lwwwcache -lwwwstream -lwwwmux -lwwwtrans 
>>-lwwwcore -lwwwutils -lmd5 -ldl    -lm   -o shp2img
>>./libmap.a(mapogr.o): In function `ogrGeomPoints(OGRGeometry *, shapeObj 
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x16c): undefined reference to 
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x199): undefined reference to 
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x1b3): undefined reference to 
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x20f): undefined reference to 
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x39d): undefined reference to 
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x3ac): undefined reference to 
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x40f): undefined reference to 
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x449): undefined reference to 
>>./libmap.a(mapogr.o): In function `msOGRLayerGetAutoStyle':
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x2098): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStyleMgr::OGRStyleMgr(OGRStyleTable *)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x20ce): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStyleMgr::InitFromFeature(OGRFeature *)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x20dc): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStyleMgr::GetPartCount(char const *)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x2104): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStyleMgr::GetPart(int, char const *)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x2135): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStyleTool::SetUnit(ogr_style_tool_units_id, double)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x2141): undefined reference to `OGRStyleTool::GetType(void)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x2168): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStyleLabel::GetParamStr(ogr_style_tool_param_label_id, int &)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x219a): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStyleLabel::GetParamDbl(ogr_style_tool_param_label_id, int &)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x21b8): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStyleLabel::GetParamDbl(ogr_style_tool_param_label_id, int &)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x2212): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStyleLabel::GetParamStr(ogr_style_tool_param_label_id, int &)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x221f): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStyleTool::GetRGBFromString(char const *, int &, int &, int &, int &)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x2266): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStyleLabel::GetParamStr(ogr_style_tool_param_label_id, int &)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x2273): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStyleTool::GetRGBFromString(char const *, int &, int &, int &, int &)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x22b3): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStyleLabel::GetParamStr(ogr_style_tool_param_label_id, int &)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x2368): undefined reference to `OGRStyleTool::GetType(void)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x2386): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStylePen::GetParamStr(ogr_style_tool_param_pen_id, int &)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x23e6): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStylePen::GetParamStr(ogr_style_tool_param_pen_id, int &)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x23f3): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStyleTool::GetRGBFromString(char const *, int &, int &, int &, int &)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x2426): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStylePen::GetParamDbl(ogr_style_tool_param_pen_id, int &)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x24c8): undefined reference to `OGRStyleTool::GetType(void)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x2509): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStyleBrush::GetParamStr(ogr_style_tool_param_brush_id, int &)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x2516): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStyleTool::GetRGBFromString(char const *, int &, int &, int &, int &)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x255d): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStyleBrush::GetParamStr(ogr_style_tool_param_brush_id, int &)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x256a): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStyleTool::GetRGBFromString(char const *, int &, int &, int &, int &)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x25a7): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStyleBrush::GetParamStr(ogr_style_tool_param_brush_id, int &)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x25c8): undefined reference to `OGRStyleTool::GetType(void)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x25f9): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStyleSymbol::GetParamStr(ogr_style_tool_param_symbol_id, int &)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x2606): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStyleTool::GetRGBFromString(char const *, int &, int &, int &, int &)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x263a): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStyleSymbol::GetParamDbl(ogr_style_tool_param_symbol_id, int &)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x266e): undefined reference to 
>>`OGRStyleSymbol::GetParamStr(ogr_style_tool_param_symbol_id, int &)'
>>mapogr.o(.text+0x26d4): undefined reference to 
>>collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>>make: *** [shp2img] Error 1
>>any hint?
>>Lowell Filak wrote:
>>>That could be the reason if the makefile defines 'make' differently than it defines 'make all'.
>>>I don't have a different idea, hopefully that will do it.
>>>The following message was sent by Philipp Jacob <philipp.jacob at geosysnet.de> on Tue, 07 Jan 2003 16:30:13 +0100.
>>>>no, it is not installed.
>>>>but i found the following:
>>>>"The OGR library is currently a loosely coupled subcomponent of the GDAL 
>>>>library, so you get all of GDAL for the price of OGR, though you can 
>>>>build and use just the OGR components"
>>>>hm, it looks like, that gdal was build without ogr support. right?
>>>>so there is a building instruction for unix which says:
>>>>% cd gdal
>>>>% configure
>>>>% make all
>>>>when i compiled gdal, i only typed 'make' instead of 'make all'.
>>>>could that be the reason, why there is no ogr support?
>>>>i will try this, or do you have another idea?
>>>>Lowell Filak wrote:
>>>>>Okee dokee.
>>>>>The next thing it can't find is OGR, is that installed?

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