[Mapserver-users] Re: [maplab-users] Restricted number of class per layer ?

Paul Spencer spencer at dmsolutions.ca
Wed Jan 15 12:54:44 EST 2003

Fabrice, this is a built-in limit in mapserver that is set at compile 
time (i.e it can be changed if you build mapserver executables yourself. 
  The reason is largely historical and for performance, but I think that 
the mapserver developers have been discussing the possibility of 
restructuring some of the internal structures in mapserver to remove the 
necessity for this.  You should probably address any issues to the 
mapserver-users mailing list to make your opinion known ... the more 
people that ask for a feature, the more likely it is that it will be done.



Fabrice ANDREI wrote:
> Hello.
> I have to specify more than 80 class in a layer. I use Mapserver 3.6, but it seem not too work. I think the maximum number of class in a layer is about 50. Am I true ? Is it a bug, or there is a special reason ?
> Thx.
> Fabrice ANDREI
> Observatoire Régional de l'Environnement
> htt://www.observatoire-environnement.org/
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Paul Spencer
Applications and Software Development
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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