[Mapserver-users] Adding php_mapscript

krung krung at cad.go.th
Wed Jan 15 13:55:02 EST 2003

Hi Beth

Did you use php_mapscript.dll the same version as your PHP? I went to dmsolution a few days ago, I couldn't find php_mapscript.dll with PHP 4.3.0 support.


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Beth Baily <bbaily at CEMML.ColoState.EDU>
Date:  Wed, 15 Jan 2003 10:37:25 -0700

>I have installed and tested PHP4 on my Win2000 workstation with Apache
>and cgi mapserver 3.5.  PHP4 by itself works fine.  I moved
>php_mapscript.dll to the php4 extensions directory and set extension_dir
>in php.ini to that directory.  Then I used phpinfo_mapscript.php to test
>it.  The output I get in my browser is:
>Warning: dl() [function.dl]: Unable to load dynamic library
>'d:\php\php-4.3.0-Win32\extensions\php_mapscript.dll' - The specified
>procedure could not be found. in d:\program files\apache
>group\apache2\htdocs\phpinfo_mapscript.php on line 17
>followed by the results from phpinfo().
>When I first start my browser and try to run phpinfo_mapscript.php, I
>get this error:
>The procedure entry point zend_list_addref could not be located in the
>dynamic link library php4ts.dll.
>I can click on OK and then I see the results described above.  I would
>appreciate any help.
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