[Mapserver-users] RE: mapserver/PostGIS on Macos X

Puneet Kishor pkishor at geoanalytics.com
Mon Jan 20 10:13:02 EST 2003


Here is the state of my explorations --

I have always been able to build all the Mapserver versions I have tried
(3.4 through 3.6.4) with Perl/Mapscript support.

I have never been able to run PHP/Mapscript successfully. For the longest
time the problem was with PHP on MacOS X -- dynamically loaded libraries
were not possible. Now, with PHP 4.3.0 on, dls are possible, but I am unable
to build PHP/Mapscript (see error messages below at the end of this

I have never had any problem with MySQL and Perl:DBD:mysql, so I am a happy
camper as far as that goes.

I have had no problems with PgSQL itself, but have not built PostGIS.

To others on this mailing list and using MacOS X -- if you are interested, I
would propose our own mailing list (not really a hosted mailing list, but
just a bunch of email addresses we can cc our emails to sharing our
experiences with Mapserver on MacOS X). Eventually, I would like to see a
binary build of Mapserver in the form of a double-clickable package. If
interested, please drop me an email.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: wheatonw at duke.edu [mailto:wheatonw at duke.edu] 
> Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 12:08 PM
> To: pkishor at geoanalytics.com
> Subject: mapserver/PostGIS on Macos X
> Puneet--
> You may not remember, but we corresponded briefly early last 
> year about 
> building MapServer 3.5 on Macos X.  I had version 3.4 working, but 
> couldn't get 3.5 working (images came out backwards).  
> Anyway, I'm about to embark on an effort to build MapServer 3.6.x and 
> PostGIS on my ibook and I was wondering if you had tried to compile 
> these beasts on Macos 10.1.x or 10.2.x?  I've been looking 
> every place 
> I can think of and can't find any information about 
> experiences trying 
> to get these two to work together under Macos x.  Unless I can find 
> someone who says that it just won't work for some reason, I'm 
> going to 
> go ahead and give it a try.  But I just thought I'd see if anyone had 
> tried it yet.
> Thanks in advance for any information.
> Bill

gcc 2.95 on OS X 10.2.3 with the latest devtools and Perl 5.6.0
PHP 4.3.0 built as CGI 

Mapserver build log:

-I/Users/pkishor/Projects/mapserver/php-4.3.0/TSRM -c -o
mapscript_i.o mapscript_i.c
warning: `inchesPerUnit' defined but not used
cc: -flat_namespace: linker input file unused since linking not done
cc: -flat_namespace: linker input file unused since linking not done
cc -o php_mapscript.so php_mapscript_util.o php_mapscript.o
mapscript_i.o -L/Users/pkishor/Projects/mapserver/mapserver-3.6.4
-lmap -ljpeg -L/usr/local/lib -lpng -lz
-L/Users/pkishor/Projects/mapserver/mapserver-3.6.4/../gd-1.8.4 -lgd
-ljpeg -L/usr/local/lib -lpng -lz -ljpeg -lm
/usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
make[1]: *** [php_mapscript.so] Error 1

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