[Mapserver-users] RE: mapserver/PostGIS on Macos X

Zak James zak-ms at aiya.dhs.org
Mon Jan 20 14:20:48 EST 2003

I've been able to get php/mapscript running under OS X, even with 4.2.x 
PHP versions, by manually editing the php/mapscript makefile. When you 
configure mapserver and specify php support, the makefile  
(./mapscript/php3/Makefile) is not properly set up.

To use a loadable module under OS X, it needs to be packaged as a 
Mach-O  bundle. This differs from other unix systems and the configure 
script doesn't know about it. My Makefile includes the following:
CC =     gcc -fPIC
LD =     cc -bundle  -flat_namespace -undefined suppress

and compiles mapscript ok.

A MacOS mailing list is a good idea since most mapserver users are 
probably not interested in these details. Count me in. This information 
should probably be updated on the wiki page 
(http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?MacOS) too.

I think an OS X binary package is needed too, but I'm not sure which of 
the many mapserver options it should include.

Zak James

On Monday, January 20, 2003, at 10:13  am, Puneet Kishor wrote:

> Bill,
> Here is the state of my explorations --
> I have always been able to build all the Mapserver versions I have 
> tried
> (3.4 through 3.6.4) with Perl/Mapscript support.
> I have never been able to run PHP/Mapscript successfully. For the 
> longest
> time the problem was with PHP on MacOS X -- dynamically loaded 
> libraries
> were not possible. Now, with PHP 4.3.0 on, dls are possible, but I am 
> unable
> to build PHP/Mapscript (see error messages below at the end of this
> message).
> I have never had any problem with MySQL and Perl:DBD:mysql, so I am a 
> happy
> camper as far as that goes.
> I have had no problems with PgSQL itself, but have not built PostGIS.
> To others on this mailing list and using MacOS X -- if you are 
> interested, I
> would propose our own mailing list (not really a hosted mailing list, 
> but
> just a bunch of email addresses we can cc our emails to sharing our
> experiences with Mapserver on MacOS X). Eventually, I would like to 
> see a
> binary build of Mapserver in the form of a double-clickable package. If
> interested, please drop me an email.

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