[Mapserver-users] using CGI methods

Agneta Schick schick at sdac.hannover.bgr.de
Tue Jan 21 11:25:56 EST 2003


When generating html code in my perl script, I found a difference
between using methods in CGI.pm and print statements. 
In the one case (print statements)
the mapping extents change with pan and in the other they remain unchanged.

Can somebody explain this? 

Here is the part of the perl script which makes the difference:
# ----------normal print statements with 'use CGI(:standard);'-------------

#print header();
#print start_html(-title=>'MapServer - Earthquake Mapper', -bgcolor=>"#ffffff");
#print "<form name=\"quakes\" action=\"/cgi-bin/maptest.pl\" method=\"get\" 
#print "<input type=\"image\" name=\"img\" src=\"". $image_virtual_path . 
$image_id ."\" border=\"0\" >";
#print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"imgext\" value=\"" . join(' ', 
nt}->{maxy}) ."\">";
#print "</form>";
#print end_html();

# -----here the same statements with 'use CGI;' ---------

print $query->header( "text/html" );
 print $query->start_html(-title=>'MapServer - Earthquake Mapper', 
  print $query->startform(-name=>"quakes", -method=>GET, 
	print $query->image_button(-name=>'img', -src=>$image_virtual_path . 
$image_id, -border=>0 );
	print $query->hidden( -name=>"imgext", -default=>join(' ', 
nt}->{maxy}) );
  print $query->end_form;
 print $query->end_html;

<end snip>===============================================================

In both cases the html code is identical so what makes the difference?
Have I made a mistake or does this mean never use CGI methods in combination
with Mapscript? 
I'm using Mapserver 3.6, Perl 5.6.1 on Sun Solaris8 with Apache server.

Thanks for any hints.
Agneta Schick

    Agneta Schick
    Bundesanstalt fuer Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe
    Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources
    Stilleweg 2
    D- 30655 Hannover                   Tel.: +49 511 643 3136
    GERMANY                             FAX.: +49 511 643 3663

    schick at sdac.hannover.bgr.de         http://www.seismologie.bgr.de

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