[Mapserver-users] Odd Error

Zhang, William wzhang at c-cor.net
Tue Jan 21 13:17:21 EST 2003

I experienced reversed error. I got a polygon from tiger data, which shows
urban area of Alameda, CA. When I zoomed out, the polygon showed. But when I
zoomed into certain level, the polygon disappeared. Any explanation on this?


William Zhang

Software Engineer
Phone: (925) 251-3019
Fax: (925) 467-0600
E-Mail: wzhang at c-cor.net

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Berry [mailto:jeffb at erlandsen.com]
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 3:11 PM
To: MapServer
Subject: [Mapserver-users] Odd Error

I have a lakes polygon layer that draws just fine at large scales.  However,
if I zoom out to the entire extent of the dataset I get the following error:

Warning: MapServer Error in msDrawShape(): Only polygon shapes can be drawn
using a POLYGON layer definition.

This happens with a couple other polygon layers as well, when I zoom out to
a point where a lot of polygon features are displayed in the current extent.

What is causing this?

Jeff Berry
Erlandsen & Associates
P.O. Box 2029
Chelan, WA 98816
(509) 682-4189
jeffb at erlandsen.com

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