[Mapserver-users] How to Draw Annotation Layer Last

Dan Barron dbarron at ddive.com
Tue Jan 21 13:22:31 EST 2003

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Thanks for the reply.  I have and had tried moving the layer definition to=
the beginning and the end of the map file with the same results.  I had=20
figured it to be more php/mapscript related issue, though when I draw the=20
layer last in php/mapscript I also have the same result - the annotation=20
layer is drawn under the other layers.  Any other ideas?



At 12:04 PM 1/21/2003 -0500, Ed McNierney wrote:
>Dan -
>MapServer draws all layers in order in the mapfile from bottom to top -=20
>that is, each layer in turn is drawn on top of all preceding layers.  Put=
>your annotation layer as the last layer in the file.
>     - Ed
>Ed McNierney
>President and Chief Mapmaker
>TopoZone.com / Maps a la carte, Inc.
>73 Princeton Street, Suite 305
>North Chelmsford, MA  01863
>ed at topozone.com
>(978) 251-4242
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Dan Barron [mailto:dbarron at ddive.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 11:49 AM
>To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
>Subject: [Mapserver-users] How to Draw Annotation Layer Last
>I have searched through the archives w/o much luck on determining what I=20
>am doing wrong.
>I am using MapServer v3.5 and am trying to draw an annotation layer so it=
>is always the last layer to be drawn and shows on top of all other=20
>layers.  Right now it is always drawn under my other layers and is not=20
>seen.  I also use PHP/Mapscript to create the maps and have tried to force=
>this layer to be drawn last, w/o success.  Can anyone clue me in on the=20
>method to ensure this layer is always draw last, either via the map file=20
>only or via php/mapscript?  Below is the map file entry for the layer and=
>the php/mapscript snippet.
>  NAME 'credits'
>  TRANSFORM false
>  TYPE annotation
>    POINTS 5 10 END
>    TEXT '=A9 www.destinationdive.com'
>  END
>    LABEL
>      TYPE truetype
>      FONT verdana
>      SIZE 8
>      ANTIALIAS true
>      COLOR 0 0 0
>    END
>  END
>// ~~~ DRAW Credits Layers ~~~
>$creditsLayer =3D $map->getLayerByName( 'credits' );
>$creditsLayer->set( 'status', MS_ON );
>$creditsLayer->draw( $image );
>// ~~~ DRAW the PNG files for map, scalebar, and reference map ~~~
>Dan Barron
>Principal / Founder
>Destination Software LLC - developers of Destination DIVE"
>dbarron at ddive.com
>(619) 275-5346

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Thanks for the reply.&nbsp; I have and had tried moving the layer
definition to the beginning and the end of the map file with the same
results.&nbsp; I had figured it to be more php/mapscript related issue,
though when I draw the layer last in php/mapscript I also have the same
result - the annotation layer is drawn under the other layers.&nbsp; Any
other ideas?<br><br>
At 12:04 PM 1/21/2003 -0500, Ed McNierney wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=3Dcite class=3Dcite cite><font face=3D"arial" size=3D2 colo=
<font face=3D"arial" size=3D2 color=3D"#0000FF">MapServer draws all layers i=
order in the mapfile from bottom to top - that is, each layer in turn is
drawn on top of all preceding layers.&nbsp; Put your annotation layer as
the last layer in the file.</font><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <font face=3D"arial" size=3D2 color=3D"#0000FF">-
<font size=3D2>Ed McNierney<br>
President and Chief Mapmaker<br>
TopoZone.com / Maps a la carte, Inc.<br>
73 Princeton Street, Suite 305<br>
North Chelmsford, MA&nbsp; 01863<br>
ed at topozone.com<br>
(978) 251-4242 <br>
<dd><font face=3D"tahoma" size=3D2>-----Original Message-----<br>

<dd>From:</b> Dan Barron
[<a href=3D"mailto:dbarron at ddive.com"=
 eudora=3D"autourl">mailto:dbarron at ddive.com</a>]<br>

<dd>Sent:</b> Tuesday, January 21, 2003 11:49 AM<br>

<dd>To:</b> mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu<br>

<dd>Subject:</b> [Mapserver-users] How to Draw Annotation Layer

<dd>I have searched through the archives w/o much luck on determining
what I am doing wrong.&nbsp; <br><br>

<dd>I am using MapServer v3.5 and am trying to draw an annotation layer
so it is always the last layer to be drawn and shows on top of all other
layers.&nbsp; Right now it is always drawn under my other layers and is
not seen.&nbsp; I also use PHP/Mapscript to create the maps and have
tried to force this layer to be drawn last, w/o success.&nbsp; Can anyone
clue me in on the method to ensure this layer is always draw last, either
via the map file only or via php/mapscript?&nbsp; Below is the map file
entry for the layer and the php/mapscript snippet.<br><br>



<dd>&nbsp;NAME 'credits'<br>

<dd>&nbsp;STATUS ON<br>

<dd>&nbsp;TRANSFORM false<br>

<dd>&nbsp;TYPE annotation<br>


<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp; POINTS 5 10 END<br>

<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp; TEXT '=A9
<a href=3D"http://www.destinationdive.com'=A0/" eudora=3D"autourl">www.desti=
</a> <br>



<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp; LABEL<br>

<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; TYPE truetype<br>

<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; FONT verdana<br>

<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; SIZE 8<br>

<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ANTIALIAS true<br>

<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; COLOR 0 0 0 <br>

<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; POSITION UR<br>

<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp; END<br>



<dd>// ~~~ DRAW Credits Layers ~~~<br>

<dd>$creditsLayer =3D $map-&gt;getLayerByName( 'credits' );<br>

<dd>$creditsLayer-&gt;set( 'status', MS_ON );<br>

<dd>$creditsLayer-&gt;draw( $image );<br><br>

<dd>// ~~~ DRAW the PNG files for map, scalebar, and reference map


<dd>Dan Barron<br>
<dd>Principal / Founder<br>

<dd>Destination Software LLC - developers of Destination DIVE&quot;<br>
<dd><font color=3D"#0000FF">dbarron at ddive.com<br>
<dd><a href=3D"http://www.destinationdive.com/"=
 eudora=3D"autourl">http://</a><a href=3D"http://www.destinationdive.com/"=
 eudora=3D"autourl"><font color=3D"#0000FF">www.destinationdive.com</a><br>
<dd>(619) 275-5346<br>



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