[Mapserver-users] Any intelligent label placer or SVG-output extension plans?

Stefan F. Keller sfkeller at hsr.ch
Thu Jan 23 18:59:28 EST 2003

Dear UMN MapServer users

I have some plans for possible students semester work:

1. An point (line/region?) label placement algorithm using more 
   'intelligent' algorithms (so called genetic or simulated annealing alg.)


2. An SVG-output generator (using dynamic features) for the visualization of
sportsmen trails - an application targeted for the world championshsip of cross
country in Rapperswil, Switzerland (www.olwm2003.ch).

All this should be done of course by extending MapServer 
(hard core C coding...).

Since I don't want them to invent the wheel: does anybody have any hints or 
plans about such projects?

-- Stefan
Prof. Stefan F. Keller, Computer Science, HSR, http://www.integis.ch

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