[Mapserver-users] Suggestions

Chris Hagwood chagwood at ci.garner.nc.us
Tue Jan 28 09:57:39 EST 2003

I am very new to mapserver, but have successfully installed it, loaded the itasca demo, and gotten it to display a basic interactive map of our city.  (Win2K, IIS, IE5.5)

To make my map file, I'm using Ross Searle's Arcview script.  However, I cannot seem to get a map to show up in his javascript web page.  It writes a plain white map each time.  Anyone gotten this to work in windows/IIS environments?  In the meantime, I'm cutting and pasting to the one from the itasca demo to make my own maps (just for learning purposes so far).

Since my first project with mapserver is an informative map of our city, with police beats and maybe some crime stats, I need to learn a bit more and am open to suggestions.

1.  How do I get street names, beat labels, and so forth to show up?
2.  Does mapserver do any address matching or GIS coordinate plotting?

When I have something worth publishing on the public server, I'll post here and ask for some more feedback.  Until then, thanks in advance!

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