[Mapserver-users] Suggestions
Martin, Daniel
DMartin at erac.com
Tue Jan 28 08:04:00 PST 2003
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> I am very new to mapserver, but have successfully installed
> it, loaded the itasca demo, and gotten it to display a basic
> interactive map of our city. (Win2K, IIS, IE5.5)
> To make my map file, I'm using Ross Searle's Arcview script.
> However, I cannot seem to get a map to show up in his
> javascript web page. It writes a plain white map each time.
> Anyone gotten this to work in windows/IIS environments? In
> the meantime, I'm cutting and pasting to the one from the
> itasca demo to make my own maps (just for learning purposes so far).
If itasca works, MapServer works. The issue is usually then in your .map
file. I have the same OS, and web server - so I know that's not the
problem. First I'd suggest looking at the image files MS created in your
temp directory. Are they white too? I'm not familiar with Ross's script,
but I had white maps when sending a PNG image to Rosa or Mapplet (before
they supported PNG). But, I don't suspect you are using either.
> Since my first project with MapServer is an informative map
> of our city, with police beats and maybe some crime stats, I
> need to learn a bit more and am open to suggestions.
> 1. How do I get street names, beat labels, and so forth to show up?
My quick and dirty directions for this is:
1. Create a folder in your MapServer folder called "fonts".
2. Drag all the fonts from C:\WINNT\FONTS into that folder.
3. Place the attached fontset.txt into that folder.
4. Add this to the highest level of your map file:
FONTSET "..\fonts\fontset.txt"
5. This is a portion of an example TIGER street layer:
NAME "Streets"
COLOR 130 130 130
ANGLE auto
FONT arial_narrow
COLOR 0 0 0
OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255
> 2. Does mapserver do any address matching or GIS coordinate plotting?
It doesn't geocode addresses if that's what you mean. But that's not to say
people don't integrate a geocoder with MS - they do. Not sure what you mean
by GIS coordinate plotting.
> When I have something worth publishing on the public server,
> I'll post here and ask for some more feedback. Until then,
> thanks in advance!
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