[Mapserver-users] For MapScript + Zope users, ZMapServer 0.3

Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
Tue Jan 28 13:44:22 EST 2003

He he he,

Unexpected responses!

Well, it's like Daniel said, mapserv hasn't been thoroughly tested in a
"persistent" fashion, therefore no one really KNOWS whether it would behave
properly in such an instance, and for how long.

My doubts simply come from the fact that there's that issue with PHP
MApScript and PHP as a DSO. If I recall correctly this isn't PHP specific.

Then there is the issue of all those other librairies also.

And I noticed the undocumented (my fault!) thread safety compile option,
which makes me suspect it might not be :)

In my case, although I love ptyhon and MapServer, I just don't have tiume to
"play" with it.  If I was to go through the bother of setting it up an
dplaying with it, then it would have to be with the itention of eventually
using it, which I'm not comfortable with. Our site is heavily used and my
Zope allready leaks memory like a faucet with no bottom, so adding an other
untested setup of mapserver isn't really an option for me at this time.

But I was just encouraging Sean to keep it up, because it is very cool, and
the kind of integration and value added to both products that shows how both
products are so cool, and can be leveraged to make many great things.

You've got a GUI based, pure OO mapfile editor embeded into an OO web based
Content Management Framework, both are open source, and very cool.  I dunno,
but I thnk that is REALLY nice :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Morissette [mailto:morissette at dmsolutions.ca]
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 1:21 PM
To: Mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] For MapScript + Zope users, ZMapServer

Norman Vine wrote:
> I must confess that I am playing a bit of the 'devil's advocate' here
> but what makes you suspect the 'script' version of mapserver

(I'm a bit playing devil's advocate too, but for the other party)

Memory leaks and thread-safety issues are a problem only for the script
versions because the mapserv CGI creates a new process everytime which
automagically cleans up after itself, etc.  (The same is true for PHP
MapScript when used with PHP in CGI mode)

> Is this just conjecture or is there evidence of a problem ?

No, I don't have evidence of any major problem, but I don't have
evidence that everything is fine either... hence my doubts.  ;)
I can easily imagine that things like static buffers used in some libs
like GDAL/OGR and possibly others (GD, freetype 1.3?) could cause us
some grief in a persistent module.

> If so, are we sure that this problem isn't exhibited by the 'C' version
> too ?

Of course if there are problems they would be in the C code as well,
actually they would come from the C code.

Better-safe-than-sorry'ly yours

 Daniel Morissette               morissette at dmsolutions.ca
 DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/
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