[Mapserver-users] MySQL

Attila Csipa attila at prometheus.org.yu
Wed Jan 29 13:49:05 EST 2003

On Tuesday 28 January 2003 15:53, Jan Hartmann wrote:
> Yet even a non-GIS connection between MapServer and MySQL would offer
> many advantages. Think about JOINS. These are being reintroduced into
> 3.7, but only for DBF files. If this mechanism could be expanded to
> MySQL (or PostgreSQL without PostGIS), a non-GIS enabled database could
> be used alongside MapServer, although the maps would have to be regular
> GIS files of course. Something like using TABLE and TO in the JOIN
> object the same way as CONNECTION and DATA in the LAYER object. This
> would make even the current version of MySQL very usable with MapServer.
> Not sure how difficult this would be (not for 3.7 I'd imagine), but
> certainly something to think of for the longer term.
> How about it Steve, Attila?

This is a little farther down the road, true, but I think it could be done. 
But first things first, I'd suggest a plain SF SQL connector for starters, 
and when that link is working we can think about expanding it this way too.

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