[Mapserver-users] error compiling --with-pdf

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Wed Jan 29 20:50:14 EST 2003

Dylan Keon wrote:
> Here's the PDF section of the Makefile (I changed -lPDF to -lpdf, and
> added mappdf.o):
> PDF_INC=  -I/opt/apps/include
> PDF_LIB=  -L/opt/apps/lib -lpdf
> PDF=      -DUSE_PDF
> PDF_OBJ=  mappdf.o

There were a few issues with the configure script when you were passing
an explicit path to the --with-pdf switch.  I fixed them in the 3.7 CVS
and you should (hopefully) not have to edit the makefile any more.

> c++ -shared  -o php_mapscript.so
> php_mapscript_util.o php_mapscript.o mapscript_i.o
> -L/opt/src/ms_cvs_01-28-03 -lmap -L/usr/lib -lcurl -lz -ldl -lz
> -L/opt/apps/lib -lpq -L/opt/src/gdal-1.1.8 -lgdal.1.1 -L/opt/apps
> -L/opt/apps/lib -ljpeg -L/opt/apps -L/opt/apps/lib -lpng -L/opt/apps
> -L/opt/apps -lz -lm -ldl -L/usr/local/lib -lm    -lpthread
> -L/opt/apps/lib -lproj  -L/opt/apps/lib -ljpeg -L/opt/apps/lib
> -lfreetype -L/opt/apps/lib -lpng -L/opt/apps/lib -lz -L/usr/X11R6/lib
> -lXpm -lX11 -L/opt/apps/lib -lPDF -L/opt/apps/lib -lgd -L/opt/apps/lib
> -ljpeg -L/opt/apps/lib -lfreetype -L/opt/apps/lib -lpng -L/opt/apps/lib
> -lz -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXpm -lX11 -L/opt/apps/lib -ljpeg   -lm
> /opt/src/gdal-1.1.8/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/ogrsf_frmts.a
> /opt/src/gdal-1.1.8/ogr/ogr.a /opt/src/gdal-1.1.8/ogr/../port/cpl.a
> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lPDF
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make[1]: *** [php_mapscript.so] Error 1

Notice that the link command and the error message still refer to -lPDF
in uppercase even though you edited the main makefile to use -lpdf. 
This is probably because you didn't edit the mapscript/php3/Makefile to
apply the same change.

Anyway, please get the latest configure and Makefile from CVS and give
them a try.  Your problems will probably go away.

 Daniel Morissette               morissette at dmsolutions.ca
 DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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