[Mapserver-users] How to make labels in MS with PostGIS

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Fri Jan 31 11:18:05 EST 2003

Same as with any other data source. Declare a labelitem and add a label 
object to your class object. Should be examples in the map file 
reference page. The only potential gotcha is that your labelitem 
attribute should be given in lower case.

christian.schuster at rsag.ch wrote:
> Hi list,
> I have a table 'geo' with a geometry column, a column 'name' as 
> varchar(20) and an ID column as the Primary Key. Is it possible to use 
> the text in the column 'name' as the label text and if so what does the 
> layer look like in the map file.
> Thanaks for helping
> Christian Schuster
> Rudolf Schuster AG
> Postfach 277
> CH - 3000 Bern 11
> http://www.rsag.ch
> ++41 31 348 05 30

      | Paul Ramsey
      | Refractions Research
      | Email: pramsey at refractions.net
      | Phone: (250) 885-0632

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