[Mapserver-users] Re: MapServer 4.0 beta2

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Fri Jul 11 10:22:29 PDT 2003

Daniel Morissette wrote:
> I have tagged a MapServer 4.0 beta2 version a few minutes ago
> (rel-4-0-0-beta2 in CVS).  There are very few important issues to be
> resolved before a formal 4.0 release, so unless important problems are
> reported with this version then we should be very close to a 4.0
> release.

In case anyone is interested, I attached below a list of the most
important fixes since beta1 1 month ago.

 Daniel Morissette               morissette at dmsolutions.ca
 DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

Version 4.0-beta2 (2003-07-11)

- Added prototype of FastCGI support in mapserv_fcgi.c (not built by default).

- Report full error stack in the mapserv CGI and PHP MapScript (bug 346)

- Old index (.qix) format is deprecated (bug 273)

- Fixed problem with embedded legend and scalebar that would result in
  layers being added to the HTML legends (bug 171)

- Changed joins (XBase only at this point) over to the open-prepare-next...
  next-close way of doing things. Compiles fine, but needs more testing. 
  One-to-many support should work now but it needs to be hooked into the 
  template code yet.  Last thing before a candidate 4.0 release.

- Added ability to generate images in MapScript processQueryTemplate (bug 341)

- Added saving of output formats in msSaveMap()

- Fixed problem in PHP MapScript with variables that were not dereferenced
  before their values were changed by the MapScript wrappers (bug 323)

- Added support for Web Map Context 1.0.0

- Treat zero-length template values as NULL so that it's possible to
  set("template", "") from MapScript to make layer non-queryable (bug 338)

- Ditched the shapepath argument to the shapefileObj constructor

- CARTOLINE join style default changed to MS_CJC_NONE

- Tweaked code in legend builder to handle polygon layers slightly different.
  Now if a polygon layer contains only outlines and no fills (i.e. a polyline)
  then it is drawn using the zigzag legend shape rather than the box. I'll 
  add legend outlines back in shortly.

- Restored legend key outlines (triggered by setting OUTLINECOLOR). If an 
  outline is requested then line symbols are clipped to the outline, 
  otherwise lines are allowed to bleed a pixel or two beyond those 
  boundaries- for most cases this looks	fine but for fat lines it is 
  gonna look goofy regardless. In those cases use the KEYIMAGE.

- Fixed a bug in the scanline writer so that x coordinates can be in any 
  order when passed in to the function. (bug 336)

- Updated loadExpressionString in mapfile.c to be a bit more tolerant of
  input. Now if a string does not match the logical or regex pattern it is
  automatically cast as a string expression. Removes the need for silly quotes.

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