[Mapserver-users] Using TIGER files

woodbri at swoodbridge.com woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Thu Jul 17 08:01:26 EDT 2003


The Tiger/line files are useful for generating the base map and 
extracting the polygons that relate back to the Census statistical 
data. You will have to get the statistical data and relate that to 
the polygons probably using JOIN to relate the polygon to the stats 
and then use LAYER CLASSes to apply graphical (color/style/etc) 
attributes to the polygons.

This implies that you can find the statistical data on the Census 
website and load it into DBF files or Postgres so you can join it 
with your polygon layer(s).

You might want to play with a simple polygon layer like the states 
and create a DBF file with a random value column and see if you can 
colorize the states based on doing a JOIN and setting up CLASS 
brackets to assign COLOR. If you can get that to work then you will 
better understand what you need to do once you get the real data and 
the problem will be simple to start with.

-Steve W.

On 16 Jul 2003 at 22:38, Attri, Abhishek wrote:

> Thanks a lot Steve!
>   I think I need to mention the problem a little more. I am working
>   for
> the state data center for Alabama and I need to Map Demographic
> information provided by US census using MapServer. It's almost similar
> to what Minnesota has done for mapping the same.
> http://www.mnplan.state.mn.us/php/census2000/c2000.html
> I need the ability to create maps very fast and efficiently. The
> MapServer installation is successful, but the only data I see on the
> Census website are the TIGER/Line files. Can anybody from Minnesota
> State data center or anyone who has done something like this before
> help me? With thanks Abhishek
> -----Original Message-----
> From: woodbri at swoodbridge.com [mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 9:05 PM
> To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu; Attri, Abhishek
> Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] Using TIGER files
> 1) get a TIGER2SHP translator (products available for about $100) 2)
> Use ogr2ogr available as part of gdal library 3) Use gdal? in
> mapserver to display them directly (but very slow)
> Did I get this right? Other options?
> -Steve W.
> On 16 Jul 2003 at 20:35, Attri, Abhishek wrote:
> > Hi 
> >      Can anyone help me sort out how to use TIGER/Line File sets
> > provided by US Census with MapServer?
> > With thanks
> > Abhishek
> > 
> > 

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