[Mapserver-users] Problem with Itasca demo suite

Lin Jianfong ljfong at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 22 20:08:41 EDT 2003


I have browsed over the mailing list archive and made the changes to 
demo.map along with converting all the .GIF files to .PNG using gif2png 

However, now I got this error instead when trying to do "init" from 
demo_init.html :

msLoadMap(): General error message. Undefined symbol "symbols/ctyhwy.png" in 
class 0 of layer ctyrdln3_anno

which previously was "ctyhwy.gif".

I can verify that I installed GD with PNG support fully enabled and this is 
an installation a FreeBSD 4.8 STABLE box.

Can anyone point me to as what is causing this problem ? When browsing the 
archive, some people mentioned symbol.sym file or something like that but I 
couldn't find this file in the download.

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