[Mapserver-users] Seeking WMS services

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Jul 22 18:10:42 PDT 2003

Feel free to use our GMap WMS server if you don't get any better offer:

It's been up since the first day that MapServers started supporting WMS
and is likely to stay up for quite a while since its URL is used in
several places such as MapLab, and some of the MapServer HOWTOs.

I realize it doesn't meet all your criterias, especially with respect to
metadata, which makes me realize that we should add metadata to this
demo anyway.


Sean Gillies wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am seeking a WMS provider who would like to partner with me
> on a project that will jointly promote the provider's WMS
> services and my ZMapServer product.
> I soon intend to release WMS client software for Zope and I
> would like there to be a default WMS service(s) to get new
> users going quickly.
> My requirements for WMS services are:
> 1. version 1.0+
> 2. No access constraints, no fees
> 3. at least two interesting layers of great extent.  Global
>     would be nice, but US-wide or Europe-wide are fine.  High
>     resolution data would be nice as well, but not absolutely
>     necessary.
> 4. High availability and reasonable performance.  I anticipate
>     about 100 new users over the first couple weeks.
> 5. Accurate and descriptive WMS metadata are a must. An Abstract
>     is a requirement.
> What do I offer in return?  Promotion of the service provider's
> web site which should be defined in the service's top-level
> WMS OnlineResource URL.
> The link below is to a screenshot of the ZMapServer WMS Adapter's
> main management page.  This particular adapter was created using
> a URL to CubeSERV.  CubeSERV defines the CubeWerx home page in the
> top-level OnlineResource url, and through such a link I hope that
> my partner(s) would draw new visitors to their sites.
> http://zmapserver.sourceforge.net/screenshots/adapter_main.jpg
> I've been testing against CubeWerx, but I'd _much_ rather partner
> with someone from the MapServer community.
> If you are wildly interested, email me a URL for your service and
> we can discuss all the details.  If you are but mildly interested,
> feel free to write me for answers to any questions.
> cheers,
> Sean
> --
> Sean Gillies
> sgillies at frii dot com
> http://www.frii.com/~sgillies

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