[Mapserver-users] php code inside a CGI mapserver application

colombo.l colombo.l at email.it
Mon Jul 21 13:58:44 EDT 2003


 i did a CGI-Mapserver application following some tutorials on the site, all work great, I have some problems when I put php code inside my template file.
I use apache , php 4.3 (working as a cgi) and mapserver 3.6.

If I define my template.php as my template (inside mapfile) I get some errors (Malformed URL). So I added this line to http.conf:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .html

Now I can put php code inside html pages, but it didn't works with mapserver !!

I can't get php-code to be compiled, mapserver process the page but apache+php didn't.

What can I do?
I really need help.

thank's to all

Luca Colombo

Email.it, the professional e-mail, gratis per te: http://www.email.it/f

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