[Mapserver-users] Using MapServer as a general graphing engine

Jan Hartmann jhart at frw.uva.nl
Thu Jul 31 04:00:30 PDT 2003

There is a third way. I haven't had time yet to test it but I think it 
is very promising. Some time ago Joe Conway added a new procedural 
language to PostgreSQL: PL/R (www.joeconway.com/plr). This embeds the 
complete statistical package R (www.r-project.org) in PostgreSQL. When 
you install it (about as difficult as intalling PostGIS), you can call R 
functions  within a database, e.g.

select median(myvar) from mytable;

R has good graphics support for things like scatter, box and whisker 
plots (also for contouring). Integrating it with MapServer via the 
PostGIS link would not be simple, but IMO it can (and should) be done. 
In the mean time you can experiment with all kinds of combinations 
(PostGreSQL/PostGIS/PL/R,PHP,MapServer), to get actual plots from your data.

BTW, I guess dat basic PostgreSQL geometry types can be cast (with the 
cast function or :: operator) to PostGIS geographical entities. The 
PostGIS list can probably give you the syntax


Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> I should note that we've been thinking a bit about this stuff and with some
> hacking I expect we could use PostGIS to "convert" data points into boxes,
> circles, etc, based on values.
> Does anyone know if the basic geometric data types for Postgresql are
> usable by Mapserver (via GDAL/OGR, I assume).  From my quick tests, I
> figure it is not.
> Tyler
>              "Mishtu Banerjee,                                             
>              SCIENTIFICALS"                                                
>              <mishtu_banerjee@                                          To 
>              telus.net>                <mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu> 
>              Sent by:                                                   cc 
>              mapserver-users-a                                             
>              dmin at lists.gis.um                                      Fax to 
>              n.edu                                                         
>                                                                    Subject 
>                                        RE: [Mapserver-users] Using         
>              07/29/2003 09:07          MapServer as a general graphing     
>              PM                        engine                              
> There's a small set of 2D graphs that are very commonly used in data
> analysis -- and if they could be represented in mapserver -- one would be
> able to do a lot of visual statistical analysis:
> 1. Visualizing Location: These are things like "BoxPlots" or "Bar and
> Whisker" Plots.
> 2. Visualizing Spread: These are things like a simple X, Y scatter --
> Tyler's example is X,Y data, as
> two variables. But say you have multiple variables -- you can do a series
> of
> 2X2 scattergrams. Often you can draw an ellipse around the x,Y scatters to
> represent the spread.
> 3. Visualing Distribution. Histograms, cumulative frequency diagrams.
> Location, Spread, Distribution in simpler or fancier forms are the guts of
> most data analysis. Stats programs (such as Systat) of course have a way of
> dealing with these things, in the non-spatial realm; but can't handle
> spatial data well. So, is it possible to have a system that handles spatial
> well, also handle non-spatial in terms of cartesian space?
> In terms of geometry, from a data visualization point of view, you're
> working in cartesian space -- and could be said to be providing various
> maps
> of the space. A scattergram is like locating points. A BoxPlot could be
> seen
> as a kind of standard polygon shape, that will be scaled based on the
> statistics, and located based on the X,Y midpoints.
> If you had the ability to incorporate this into MapServer as 2D displays,
> MapServer would morph into a Visual Stats Server. :-)
> -- mishtu
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tyler Mitchell [mailto:TMitchell at lignum.com]
> Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 12:02 PM
> To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
> Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] Using MapServer as a general graphing
> engine
> I'm thinking more along these lines:
> - I have x,y data where these are two non-geographic values that I want to
> graph.  I have z which is the magnitude, count, etc. that I want to graph.
> - Use a simple coordinate system to map the "location" of the x,y pairs and
> draw the symbol based on the z value.
> - z may be a value used as a radius for a circle or there may be a z- and
> z+ which defines the vertical offsets of the extents of a bar/rectangle.
> So I'm not so concerned with bringing in pre-made maps, as I am about
> generating maps using non-spatial data.   Of course, sometimes "z" may be
> an image but I wasn't thinking that far ahead.
> Tyler
> Armin Burger <armin.burger at libero.it> wrote on 07/28/2003 12:53:53 PM:
>>I also found it sometimes desirable to have Mapserver create thematical
>>maps with pie charts or bar charts, etc. I don't know how much work it
>>might be to implement this. Maybe DM Solutions OWTChart could be somehow
>>Another, probably a bit easier implementation, could be using MapScript
>>combined with graphic modules/extensions for Perl or PHP, mainly based on
>>the GD library. But as far as I know there is no possibility to include
>>externally produced images and merge them on top of the map image. A
>>question to the developers: would it be possible to have a Mapscript
>>method that creates an imageObj from a file?
>>This way one could create all the charts based on shapefile or database
>>data with external graphic functions and merge these images with the map
>>image using the existing 'pasteImage' method. For not too many charts the
>>speed should be acceptable. For placing a chart exactly over a polygon a
>>method to calculate the shape centroid would be helpful.
>>Could this approach make sense?
>>>I know that a ton of web-based options exist for graphing and charting.
>>>But very few seem to really understand spatial data and many have a
>>>narrower scope of data sources than MapServer has.
>>>Am I the only one interested in doing this or are you interested in
>>>this as well.  I see a few queries on related topics in the archives,
>>>very few responses.  So I am writing now to gather a feel for the level
>>>interest that others on the list may have to do all sorts of graphing
>>>charting stuff all within MapServer's capabilities.
>>>Mapserver-users mailing list
>>>Mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
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