[Mapserver-users] WMS - question

Thorsten Fischer thfischer at mapmedia.de
Wed Jun 4 05:25:46 PDT 2003

On Wed, 2003-06-04 at 09:46, Rainer Spittel wrote:
> http://geosharewms2.tzi.de/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/www_root/
> mapserver/cascade_server/htdocs/mapserv.map&REQUEST=GetCapabilities

>    LAYER
[ ... ]
> "http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/www_root/
> mapserver/cascade_dev/htdocs/mapserv.map?VERSION=1.1.0&LAYERS=bebauteflaechen"

Are you sure you want to use different directories here? Also check if
localhost is resolved the way you intend it to.

> Warning: MapServer Error in msDrawRaster(): Unrecognized or unsupported 
> image format in 
> /usr/local/apache/htdocs/mapserver/cascade_client/htdocs/mapserv.php3 on 
> line 483

You probably receive an error message in some text mime type instead of
an image mime type. This cannot be parsed as an image -> unrecognized
image format.

> I am really confused about this, because I am not using raster-images...

Common mistake: you do. You call the WMS server and _always_ receive a
raster image. Just like when you call a 'classic' cgi MapServer with
mode=map. The type POLYGON should be RASTER. If you want to transfer
vectors over the net, you want to use WFS. But you don't have to, as
your WMS server always produces a raster map, no matter what sources it
is using.

> Next step I use this mapserver with wms_server support as a datasource 
> in MapLab/MapBrowser and I was not able to establish a connection to my 
> mapserver using this URL:
> http://geosharewms2.tzi.de/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/www_root/mapserver/cascade_server/htdocs/mapserv.map&
> If anyone know a hint, please let me know. Is it possible to use a 
> shorter URL to my map-file? I don't want to use a absolute path to the 
> mapfile.

You can hide the mapfile name completely, as described in the wms server
howto on the mapserver documentation pages.



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