AW: [Mapserver-users] map of mapserver users and providers

Thorsten Fischer thfischer at
Tue Jun 10 06:03:23 PDT 2003

On Tue, 2003-06-10 at 10:03, Arnulf Christl (CCGIS) wrote:
> Very good idea! If you mean to do it on an international dataset we will
> support that idea, especially because we see a great need for something like
> that here in Germany.

Do we? ;) Hmm, you might have noticed the steady increase of german
email addresses of posters on this list. Maybe we do :)

> It would be very helpful to have a tool where the "spatially nearest"
> provider, programmer, training location etc. for UMN MapServer is located.

Hmm I think he was referring to users ... I do not know if he wants to
do the work of providing a free platform for commercial services. 

> Additionally it would be a great promotion tool (besides the Gallery) to
> have a MapServer application showing all MapServer applications - sort of
> the super-meta-cascading MapServer...

All of them WMS-enabled and with URLs to their capabilities documents.
Would help me a lot. Thanks in advance ;)

> We can provide data (which is a little hard in Germany because of unsolved
> ownership questions regarding public data - dont ask...).

Oooh the sheer joy of it ...

> We can also help
> with client technology (PHP), server space / hardware for this project. If
> you need or plan anything - contact us.

Sounds nice to me. Tell me if you need a hand :)



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