[Mapserver-users] Running Mapserver Demo

Eric Bridger eric at gomoos.org
Fri Jun 13 06:33:50 PDT 2003

Most likely your version of GD does not support gifs.

1) map sure you have a subdir (relative to your mapfile location) with
the gif in it: symbol/ctyhwy.gif
2) Use imagemagik's convert to convert it to a png. $convert ctyhwy.gif
3) Edit the demo.map file where it says:
 SYMBOL 'symbols/ctyhwy.gif' to
 SYMBOL 'symbols/ctyhwy.png'


On Fri, 2003-06-13 at 16:58, Michael Cunningham wrote:
> Hi,
> Could someone please help me with getting the "mapserver" up and running.
> I am running Mandrake Linux 9.1.
> I've configured and installed mapserver, and copied to the cgi-bin.  When I 
> attempt to run the mapserver demo (itasca), the browser comes up with the 
> page, but as soon as I click the "Initialize" button I get the following 
> errors:
> msLoadMap(): General error message. Undefined overlay symbol 
> "symbols/ctyhwy.gif" in class 0, style 0 of layer ctyrdln3_anno. 
> Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.
> Regards,
> Mike
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