[Mapserver-users] lambert utm projection

Thorsten Fischer thfischer at mapmedia.de
Sun Jun 22 10:54:57 PDT 2003

On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 16:19, Ed McNierney wrote:
> Sibylle -
> It appears that you (and I) are using an older epsg file that has
> several errors in the Austrian projections.  I just checked the
> current (version 4.4.7) PROJ epsg file and it has been changed to
> correct the error you found and several other errors (the epsg code
> for the Austrian Lambert, for example, is 31287, not 31297).

This has happened to some german dhdn projections recently as well ...
It struck me in a seminar of course. Searching for errors in the course
of a seminar shows the participants how and where to look for them, but
in this case it was just hilarious, mostly because the error message is
the same as if the epsg file were not there at all. The idea that the
epsg code in question might just not be in file struck me on the way
home :)

(the very same day i found out that i am not allowed to captitalize
'epsg' in "init=epsg:bla")


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