[Mapserver-users] mapserv doesn't work

Thorsten Fischer thfischer at mapmedia.de
Tue Jun 24 03:11:10 PDT 2003

On Tue, 2003-06-24 at 09:10, Chen Fu wrote:
> It didn't generated any image at all. I change
> map_web_imagepath to many directory, but just can't
> find any image at there. But if i try the itasca
> advance demo -- the one with "mode=map", it work nice.

The webserver process is running with the access rights of a certain
user. That user must be able to write image files to that directory.

Apart from that, you need to set IMAGEPATH and IMAGEURL in your mapfile
to fitting values.

> But in this advance demo, query file still need to be
> written when we do a query of object on map. So the
> query will be failed for mapserv didn't generate the
> query file.

I think you are mixing up map images and query files here. In your
setting, you are producing map image files, like in .png or .gif format.
It is indeed possible to save the staus of a query to a file, but that
has nothing to do with a map image.



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