[Mapserver-users] Compiling MapServer - a few problems

"Ryszard Bratuœ" rb at bmtcordah.pl
Thu Jun 26 05:33:11 PDT 2003


Just for a few days I discover a power of MapServer so I'm still newbe.

I try to compile myself mapserver 3.6.6 on Windows2000 Prof.
Sources come from http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/dload.html
All went OK (after changing makefiles and so on..) when I compiled mapserver with
supporting packages (gd, libJPEG, zlib, regex).
But.. :
I want to use in MapServer some formats supported in GDAL/OGR. 
The first problem is that linker complains when try to link mapserver  with gd.lib and gdal.lib
(the same functions in both libraries). It's normal I think , I decided to exclude 
(ie. PNG support from one of libraries).
I have a look into sources and found that pnglib version is GDAL is much older
than correspoding sources in GD-1.8.4.  (more than a year).
So I wonder if is it  worth to compile GDAL without PNG support. 

Which parameters (in GD and GDAL) are responsible for incl. or excluding chosen formats ?
What will be, if I compile supporting libraries to Dll's ? Could it be problem for mapserver ?

Ryszard Bratus
BMT Cordah

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