MapServer 4.0 release plan (was: Re: [Mapserver-users] Using Mapscript with PHP as a module or compiled into Apache (static))

Daniel Morissette morissette at
Thu Jun 26 16:02:33 PDT 2003

Benjamin Wragg wrote:
> Thanks Daniel. Any idea on when this may be fixed? I know that's hard to
> say an exact time, but is it a low or high priority?

I would say that it's a high priority in the middle of a long list of
high priorities.  I was hoping to get that done for 4.0, but it may not
be a smart idea to push the release further for an issue that may take
quite a while to have properly fixed and fully tested, so I think it
will happen early in 4.1.

For the benefit of everyone on the list, we are currently working with
Steve to fix all the critical bugs before the end of the month.  Then
the plan would be to have a pre-release first week of July, and if
things go well a formal 4.0 release by mid-July.

For this reason, we ask all developers to not commit any new features to
CVS other than critical fixes.  Your collaboration will help ensure that
we can finally get that 4.0 release out the door.

 Daniel Morissette               morissette at
 DM Solutions Group    

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