[Mapserver-users] what to do w/ ming swf's?

Charlton Purvis cpurvis at asg.sc.edu
Thu May 1 08:45:45 PDT 2003

Thanks, Vincent.  I should have delved deeper into MapServer source on
my own, but after listening to your advice and looking at
http://ming.sourceforge.net/docs/index.php?mode=php, things seem clear.

At this point I guess it boils down to whether or not our users should
be forced to have a plug-in to view the flash animation.  GIF's
self-containment sure is compelling, but that comes at a cost of limited
features.  Same argument goes for the rosa applet download, too.

But there's no harm in checking it out!

Thanks again.

-----Original Message-----
From: Vincent Schut [mailto:schut at sarvision.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 5:13 AM
To: Charlton Purvis
Cc: Mapserver Users (E-mail)
Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] what to do w/ ming swf's?


You could use the same library Mapserver is using to produce it's swf's:
It's free, and you can use actionscript. It has a php component too. You
simply program quite complex swf's with that. See the website for more 
details, api, etc.: http://ming.sourceforge.net/ , and the ming docs at 
However, especially when using the php extension (it is a c library 
originally) be carefull and play around a bit with different versions,
not every version of ming works with every version of php. And it is
still in 
development, so not everything is working properly. My own experience:
you might want to use ming-cvs (lots of errors fixed and some better 
functionality) I could not get it to work with php. The version I
have is ming 0.2a (the tar.gz from the website) which works in
with the ming extension that comes bundled with php 4.3.1. If you want
to use 
a newer ming, you might have to use it as a c library. Which is very
possible, though, cause you can produce a static swf that dynamically
loads a 
mapserver produced swf on request, like Ryan Grant wrote. However, when
this combination be carefull not to mix ming02.a and ming-cvs (you will
them both I think, cause mapserver depends on 0.2a?).
However, with only 0.2a it's quite possible to produce nice mapserver 
You can look at an (very simple) example at 
http://www.sarvision.nl/mawas/mapserver/ms-mawas.php . It has nothing to
with image sequences, but shows you a bit of the possibilities of ming
building interfaces and integration/communication with mapserver.

On Tuesday 29 April 2003 21:00, Grant, Ryan wrote:
> As far as I know, there is no way to make ActionScript calls from php.
> So calls such as the one that I used are contained written using the
> Macromedia Flash author product. The project files are .fla, which
> to .swf. I'm not currently aware of any free tools that let you work
> .fla files.
> To John Arthur:
> I haven't experimented with any layers containing labels yet, but
> next on my list of things to try
> Regards,
> Ryan Grant
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charlton Purvis [mailto:cpurvis at asg.sc.edu]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 11:44 AM
> To: Grant, Ryan
> Cc: Mapserver Users (E-mail)
> Subject: RE: [Mapserver-users] what to do w/ ming swf's?
> Thanks for your help, Grant.  But I'm afraid that I'm still in the
> I'd like to play w/ flash a bit more even though I'm pretty happy w/
> animated .gif's.
> But I'm missing how my .php and ActionScript are linked.  First of
> it's not free, is it?  I'd like to think that I could make
> calls from w/i my .php, but that ain't so, is it?
> So where and in what type of file are calls like
>   var mapName = _level10.mapObj.name;
> ?
> Thanks again.
> Charlton

Vincent Schut (schut at sarvision.com)
Sarvision B.V.
Wageningen, The Netherlands

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