[Mapserver-users] not all labels get rendered
Vincent Schut
schut at sarvision.com
Thu May 1 08:53:36 PDT 2003
In addition to my previous mail:
It seems that mapserver has some problems with some polygons in the shapefile
that cause mapserver not to draw the labels of these polygons. The shapefile
is produced by arcview, and in av I can't find any weird things. I loaded it
into postgres/postgis0.7.5, simplified it using a strk's Douglas Peuker
implementation for postgis (tolerance 0.1025 DD), wrote this to shape again,
and suddenly some more labels appear. But still not all.
I hope that somebody with more knowledge on shapefile/mapserver interaction
thinks this interesting enough to have a look at it :-)
I will be in Brasil next week and probably won't read email and surely won't
be able to test things, so I will put the (simplified) shapefile on the
internet where you can download it for testing purposes. You will find the
shapefile (and dbf/shx files) at www.sarvision.com/vincent .
Vincent Schut.
On Wednesday 30 April 2003 12:53, Vincent Schut wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a shapefile of the provinces of Indonesia.
> I have a map file with 2 layers: one displays the provinces, each with a
> unique color (classes are generated on the fly using metadata and php), the
> second is the same as the first, but labels the provinces and does not show
> anything else then just the labels. It contains only one class, which
> contains the label section. Labels are drawn based on the same item used to
> class provinces by color.
> Now the first layer draws ok, every province is drawn with its according
> color. The second layer displays not ok. It shows some labels, some labels
> not. I have tried anything I can think of, I have force true in the label
> object, etc. etc., but some labels simply do not get drawn. And yes, I do
> call drawLabelCache before saveWebImage. I wil attach the generated image
> and my mapfile, and a save of the mapobject after creating the classes
> (thus the mapfile including the color classes). The image clearly shows
> that some provinces get drawn but not labeled. (For those that know their
> topo lessons: north-west sumatra (next to Aceh) is missing some, east &
> central Sulasesi too...).
> Hope someone can help.
> Regards,
> Vincent Schut.
Vincent Schut (schut at sarvision.com)
Sarvision B.V.
Wageningen, The Netherlands
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