[Mapserver-users] Re: building Mapserver 3.6.5 on Mac OS X 10.2.5

pkishor_98 pkishor at geoanalytics.com
Sat May 10 10:22:45 PDT 2003

--- In mapserver-users at yahoogroups.com, John Oram <mapserver at o...> wrote:
> ld: Undefined symbols:
> ___gxx_personality_v0
> make: *** [shp2img] Error 1


Unless you have already solved this, I seem to recall this being
related to ggc3 vs. gcc2. You can shift back to gcc2 on OS X by using
"select gcc2" or something like that (drats, I don't remember... but
do a search on the list archive for gcc2... or better yet, for

You will likely find the answer.


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