[Mapserver-users] Mapplet/jBox problems

Ioannis Kanellopoulos ioannis.kanellopoulos at jrc.it
Mon May 12 05:23:10 PDT 2003

Hi All,

I am trying to use the mapplet or jBox java utilities for mapserver. I 
have run into the following problems:

1. mapplet: cannot make box on/off to work properly. Following the 
instructions of "Mapplet How to" I have added the 
onClick="document.mapplet.boxoff()" or boxon respectively for 
zoomout,pan and zoomin. I have also initialised
<param name="box" value=off"> in the applet. Problem is that it does not 
work the second time round. for e.g. if I want to zoomin for a second 
time without selecting the radio button then it goes back to boxoff as 
it is initialised. teh same is true with zoomout and pon if the box is 
initialised as on.

2. jBox: Here the problem is that I cannot make it to perform the redraw 
  without hitting the refresh button again. this even after I have added 
the "if (redraw) { document.mapserv.submit();}" at the end of the 
setbox_handler() function. If I just change the function names to the 
ones for mapplet it works properly.

I have mapserver 3.6.5 compiled in a Redhat 8.0, browser Mozilla 1.0.1 
but I encouner the mapplet problem also with Windows2000 with apache 2 
server and Mozilla 1.3. I am also using the standard demo files for 
these experiments.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

thanks a lot


Ioannis Kanellopoulos
EC-Joint Research Centre
Institute for Environment and Sustainability
TP 262
21020 Ispra(VA)

email: ioannis.kanellopoulos at jrc.it
www: http://www.jrc.cec.eu.int,
http://www.ec-gis.org, http://gi-gis.jrc.it

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