[Mapserver-users] Linux segmentatio n problem

Hatcher Matthew MJHATCHER at qinetiq.com
Tue May 13 06:00:05 PDT 2003

Hi all,

In that case, could someone please post the URL of an older copy of
nightly.tgz so I can test if that suffers from the same problem. I don't
have access to CVS from my system and I suspect my email screener will block
any tgz email attachments.

Cheers, Matt.

-----Original Message-----
From: m.spring at gmx.de [mailto:m.spring at gmx.de]
Sent: 13 May 2003 13:46
To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] Linux segmentation problem

Hash: SHA1

Hi list,

I have made a similar experience with the latest cvs - 30 minutes ago.
A mapfile which works fine with mapserver 3.6.5 and an elder 3.7dev
(about May 2nd) does indeed segfault with the latest CVS version
- - and shp2img does *not* segfault...

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