[Mapserver-users] mapscript::msSaveImage error

Pedro Salazar pedro-b-salazar at ptinovacao.pt
Tue May 20 09:36:06 EDT 2003


I'm trying to return a image map in my perl mapscript. However, when I
use the procedure msSaveImage, I got an error on my map script log and
no image return on my perl script.

This is my code:
my $ref_img = $map->drawReferenceMap();

This is my error output:
Tue May 20 14:29:57 2003 - msSearchDiskTree(): Unable to access file. 
Tue May 20 14:29:57 2003 - msSearchDiskTree(): Unable to access file. 
Tue May 20 14:29:57 2003 - msDrawReferenceMap(): Unable to access file.

I managed a workaround to solve my problem doing this but I would like
to avoid this approach:
my $tmp_file="/tmp/".rand().".png";
$img->saveImage($tmp_file,$mapscript::MS_PNG, $map->{transparent},
                $map->{interlace}, undef);
system("cat $tmp_file");
system("rm -f $tmp_file");

So, I'm interested to know why is that happening (error) and how can I
solve it.

Thanks for all your attention,
pedro-b-salazar at ptinovacao.pt

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