[Mapserver-users] known issue: no results with QueryByPoint (Mapserver 3.7 PHP mapscript)

Vincent Schut schut at sarvision.com
Wed May 21 08:17:43 EDT 2003

You need to set STATUS ON for your layer to be queriable.


On Wednesday 21 May 2003 13:41, Michael Härtel wrote:
> Hello All!
> There are many references to articles about the problem that no results
> are returned by QueryByPoint.
> i' ve read all of them but i still can't figure out why i get no results.
> This is what i have:
> 1.) A Query Layer ($querylayer) with a template file:
> object(layer)(35) { ["_handle_"]=>  resource(50) of type (layerObj)
> ["_map_handle_"]=>  resource(1) of type (mapObj) ["numclasses"]=>
> int(0) ["index"]=>  int(7) ["status"]=>  int(0) ["classitem"]=>
> string(0) "" ["name"]=>  string(11) "WRS-2_frame" ["group"]=>  string(0)
> "" ["data"]=>  string(9) "wrs2/wrs2" ["type"]=>  int(2) ["tolerance"]=>
>   float(3) ["toleranceunits"]=>  int(6) ["symbolscale"]=>  float(-1)
> ["minscale"]=>  float(-1) ["maxscale"]=>  float(-1) ["labelminscale"]=>
>   float(-1) ["labelmaxscale"]=>  float(-1) ["maxfeatures"]=>  int(-1)
> ["transform"]=>  int(1) ["labelcache"]=>  int(1) ["postlabelcache"]=>
> int(0) ["labelitem"]=>  string(0) "" ["labelsizeitem"]=>  string(0) ""
> ["labelangleitem"]=>  string(0) "" ["tileitem"]=>  string(8) "location"
> ["tileindex"]=>  string(0) "" ["header"]=>  string(32)
> "H:\_webroot_\mapserv_header.html" ["footer"]=>  string(32)
> "H:\_webroot_\mapserv_footer.html" ["connection"]=>  string(0) ""
> ["connectiontype"]=>  int(1) ["filteritem"]=>  string(0) ""
> ["template"]=>  string(40) "H:\_webroot_\mapserv_query_template.html"
> ["transparency"]=>  int(0) ["styleitem"]=>  string(0) "" ["offsite"]=>
> object(color)(4) { ["_handle_"]=>  resource(51) of type (Unknown)
> ["red"]=>  int(-1) ["green"]=>  int(-1) ["blue"]=>  int(-1) } }
> 2.) A Point Object with geographic coordinates:
> object(point)(4) { ["_handle_"]=>  resource(52) of type (Unknown)
> ["x"]=>  float(9.85) ["y"]=>  float(50.9) ["m"]=>  float(50.9) }
> 3.) A call to Query function (with tolerance set in map file):
> $query=$querylayer->QueryByPoint($my_point,MS_MULTIPLE,-1);
> 4. The entry of the query-layer in the map file:
> LAYER	#wrs2
> NAME "WRS-2_frame"
> 		proj=longlat
> 		ellps=WGS84
> 		datum=WGS84
> 		no_defs
> 	END
>    DATA "wrs2/wrs2"
>    TOLERANCEUNITS kilometers
>    HEADER "H:\_webroot_\mapserv_header.html"
>    TEMPLATE "H:\_webroot_\mapserv_query_template.html"
>    FOOTER "H:\_webroot_\mapserv_footer.html"
> END # layer wrs2
> 4.) The map i use is a world map with these parameters:
> EXTENT -180.000000 -90.000000 180.000000 90.000000
> SIZE 600 300
> 	proj=longlat
> 	ellps=WGS84
> 	datum=WGS84
> 	no_defs
> What i get is the common error message:
> "Warning: MapServer Error in msQueryByPoint(): No matching record(s) found"
> The query layer extends over the whole map.
> These actions were already performed without any change to the result:
> 1. changed tolerance to 1 in QueryByPoint function call
> 2. MS_SINGLE mode tried instead of MS_MULTIPLE
> 3. Pixel coordinates in Point object used instead of geographic coordinates
> So what the **** am i doing wrong? Unfortunately i can´t find an example
> of a template file where i could look how the results can be printed.
> But i guess i need a result first and THEN there may occur errors
> concerning a misconfiguration because of a missing/wrong template file.
> Do i actually need a template file if i use mapserver 3.7 with
> mapscript? Or is it only needed by the simple CGI version?
> Thanks for any reply, i'm glad to know that there are some real freaks
> out there :)
> (im looking forward to a documentation about how to perform queries with
> mapserver 3.7 and mapscript).
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Michael Härtel
> Georg-August University Goettingen
> Department of Geography
> Cartography, GIS & Remote Sensing Section
> project Notebook University, Internet Map Service
> Goldschmidtstr. 5                           Tel.: +49 (0)551/39-12671
> 37077 Goettingen                            Fax : +49 (0)551/39-8020
> http://www.geogr.uni-goettingen.de/kuf/
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Vincent Schut
Sarvision B.V.
Wageningen, The Netherlands

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