AniS, WAS: [Mapserver-users] availability of Ming with Mapserver 3.x...

Charlton Purvis cpurvis at
Thu May 22 10:49:43 EDT 2003

Hi, folks:

I just checked the mailing list, and AniS never showed up.  I've tried
flash, ming, gifsicle, and now AniS.  AniS rocks!  It is so easy if
applets are OK w/ you.

If you can create the MapServer images, animation is a snap.

Take the 2 seconds needed to visit their site for great documentation
and examples:

That tiny applet snipped is really all you need.  Don't overlook adding
these, though (if you need to):

<APPLET codebase="/resources/anis" code="AniS.class" width=600
<PARAM name="image_base" value="">


-----Original Message-----
From: Yewondwossen Assefa [mailto:assefa at] 
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2003 9:52 AM
To: Benoit Lathiere
Cc: mapserver-users at
Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] availability of Ming with Mapserver

Hi There,

Benoit Lathiere wrote:

> Hello !
> I would like to use the Ming (Flash) output capability of Mapscript.
> I try to compile the 3.6.5 with "--with-ming=yes" argument but nothing
> I tried with the mapserv-dev ; but I've ot an error with th GD library
> So, my questionq are :
> Is Ming output available with Mapserver 3.6.5 ? if Yes, is the Ming
source required for the
> compilation ?

 It is only available in the 3.7 version.

> If Ming is only available with Mapserver 3.7, can I use the
mapserver_dev package  or must I waiting
>   for the 3.7 version ?
> When is planned the 3.7 (stable) version ?

 You can use the current developpment version which is BTW stable :).
There is work in progress to
stabilize it more and a release should be done pretty soon hopefully.

> Thanks a lot,
>         Benoit Lathiere.
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Assefa Yewondwossen
Software Analyst

Email: assefa at

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