[Mapserver-users] Sending images with mod_perl (solution #1)

Mark Cave-Ayland m.cave-ayland at webbased.co.uk
Sun May 25 10:42:38 PDT 2003

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Hi everyone,

After a couple of weeks of looking at this problem 'out of hours', I've
eventually come up with a solution that allows perl mapscript to run
under mod_perl and output images directly to the browser without having
to write a temporary file to disk first.

Having looked at the various issues involved, I decided against
redirecting file handles as in Jason's patches, as it seemed some kind
of mystical voodoo occurs when Apache redirects stdout into a socket
with things coming out in the wrong order or not at all. So I decided to
approach it from the angle of getting the image in a variable so that
mod_perl can output it directly.

Looking at mapscript.i, it looked as if someone had already written
something similar; a method called getImageToVar() which worked under
Tcl to set a new variable with the contents of the rendered image. So I
set about adding in equivalent perl methods to achieve the same effect.
However, setting named variables in perl appeared to create them in a
global scope (which is not good for mod_perl) which is why my solution
returns a new scalar from the method.

Please find attached the patch against mapserver 3.6.5 for
comment/testing. I'm afraid the patch removes the existing Tcl function
because I've never used Tcl before so testing it would be hard; however
to add it back in should just be a case of adding a few lines to create
a new typemap.

Once the attached patch has been applied, the mapscript_wrap.c and
mapscript.pm modules need to be recreated with SWiG; I used SWiG 1.3.19
which gave a lot of warnings but the resulting wrappers worked fine. The
modified getImageToVar() method can then be used like this:


# Output the content-type header
use CGI ':cgi';
print header(  # note the use of the filehandle here...
        -type => 'image/png',

# The actual mapscript itself goes here
$ENV{MS_ERRORFILE} = "/var/www/perl/mserr.log";

use mapscript;

# Create a new map
my $map = new mapscript::mapObj('/var/www/perl/mstest.map');

# Draw the map
my $mapimg = $map->draw();

# Get the resulting image as a scalar
my $rawimg;
$rawimg = $map->getImageToVar($mapimg);

# Send it to the browser
print $rawimg;

While this may not be the solution originally envisaged, it appears to
be working well here on a development system. Feel free to stress it,
test it, benchmark it and find any memory leaks - but remember this code
is experimental ;)




Mark Cave-Ayland
Webbased Ltd.
Tamar Science Park

Tel: +44 (0)1752 764445
Fax: +44 (0)1752 764446

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--- mapserver-3.6.5.vanilla/map.h	Tue Mar 18 16:04:26 2003=0A=
+++ mapserver-3.6.5/map.h	Sun May 25 12:48:17 2003=0A=
@@ -726,6 +726,11 @@=0A=
   webObj web;=0A=
   int *layerorder;=0A=
+#ifndef SWIG=0A=
+	char *imagedata;	/* output image rendered by gd library */=0A=
+	int imagelen;=0A=
 } mapObj;=0A=
--- mapserver-3.6.5.vanilla/mapfile.c	Sat Feb  8 17:16:23 2003=0A=
+++ mapserver-3.6.5/mapfile.c	Sun May 25 12:49:36 2003=0A=
@@ -3000,6 +3004,8 @@=0A=
   map->transparent =3D MS_OFF;=0A=
   map->interlace =3D MS_ON;=0A=
+	map->imagedata =3D NULL;=0A=
+	map->imagelen =3D 0;=0A=
   map->labelcache.labels =3D (labelCacheMemberObj =
   if(map->labelcache.labels =3D=3D NULL) {=0A=
@@ -3094,6 +3100,9 @@=0A=
   if (map->layerorder)=0A=
+	if (map->imagedata)=0A=
+		free(map->imagedata);=0A=
--- mapserver-3.6.5.vanilla/mapscript/mapscript.i	Mon Jul  8 18:28:16 =
+++ mapserver-3.6.5/mapscript/mapscript.i	Sun May 25 12:51:47 2003=0A=
@@ -237,92 +237,95 @@=0A=
     return msDrawLabelCache(image->bytes, self);=0A=
-  int getImageToVar(imageObj *image, char *varname) {=0A=
-    // set a scripting language variable by name with image data=0A=
-    int size =3D 0;=0A=
-    unsigned char *imgbytes;=0A=
-    // Tcl implementation to define needed variables, initialization=0A=
-    #ifdef SWIGTCL8=0A=
-      Tcl_Obj *imgobj;=0A=
-      int flags =3D TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG;=0A=
-      /* no other initialization needed */=0A=
-    #endif=0A=
-    // Perl implementation to define needed variables, initialization=0A=
-    #ifdef SWIGPERL=0A=
-    #endif=0A=
-    // Python implementation to define needed variables, initialization=0A=
-    #ifdef SWIGPYTHON=0A=
-    #endif=0A=
-    // generic code to get imgbytes, size=0A=
-    switch (self->imagetype) {=0A=
-      case(MS_GIF):=0A=
-        #ifdef USE_GD_GIF=0A=
-          // GD /w gif doesn't have gdImageGifPtr()=0A=
-          msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "GIF output is not available.",=0A=
-                              "getImageToVar()");=0A=
-          return(MS_FAILURE);=0A=
-        #endif=0A=
-        break;=0A=
-      case(MS_PNG):=0A=
-        #ifdef USE_GD_PNG=0A=
-          imgbytes =3D gdImagePngPtr(image->bytes, &size);=0A=
-        #else=0A=
-          msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "PNG output is not available.",=0A=
-                              "getImageToVar()");=0A=
-          return(MS_FAILURE);=0A=
-        #endif=0A=
-        break;=0A=
-      case(MS_JPEG):=0A=
-        #ifdef USE_GD_JPEG=0A=
-          imgbytes =3D gdImageJpegPtr(image->bytes, &size, =
-        #else=0A=
-          msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "JPEG output is not available.",=0A=
-                              "getImageToVar()");=0A=
-          return(MS_FAILURE);=0A=
-        #endif=0A=
-        break;=0A=
-      case(MS_WBMP):=0A=
-        #ifdef USE_GD_WBMP=0A=
-          imgbytes =3D gdImageWBMPPtr(image->bytes, &size, 1);=0A=
-        #else=0A=
-          msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "WBMP output is not available.",=0A=
-                              "getImageToVar()");=0A=
-          return(MS_FAILURE);=0A=
-        #endif=0A=
-        break;=0A=
-      default:=0A=
-        msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "Unknown output image type.",=0A=
-                              "getImageToVar()");=0A=
-        return(MS_FAILURE);=0A=
-    }=0A=
-    // Tcl implementation to set variable=0A=
-    #ifdef SWIGTCL8=0A=
-      imgobj =3D Tcl_NewByteArrayObj(imgbytes, size);=0A=
-      Tcl_IncrRefCount(imgobj);=0A=
-      Tcl_SetVar2Ex(SWIG_TCL_INTERP, varname, (char *)NULL, imgobj, =
-      Tcl_DecrRefCount(imgobj);=0A=
-      gdFree(imgbytes);=0A=
-      return MS_SUCCESS;=0A=
-    #endif=0A=
-    // Perl implementation to set variable=0A=
-    #ifdef SWIGPERL=0A=
-    #endif=0A=
-    // Python implementation to set variable=0A=
-    #ifdef SWIGPYTHON=0A=
-    #endif=0A=
-    // return failure for unsupported swig languages=0A=
-    msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "Unsupported scripting language.",=0A=
-                              "getImageToVar()");=0A=
-    return MS_FAILURE;=0A=
+/* Typemaps to allow function to return binary data */=0A=
+#ifdef SWIGPERL=0A=
+%typemap(in,numinputs=3D0) char *OUTPUT=0A=
+	{=0A=
+	}=0A=
+  =0A=
+	%typemap(argout) char *OUTPUT=0A=
+	{=0A=
+		SV *newscalar;=0A=
+	=0A=
+		newscalar =3D sv_newmortal();=0A=
+		sv_setpvn(newscalar, arg1->imagedata, arg1->imagelen);=0A=
+		ST(argvi++) =3D newscalar;=0A=
+	}=0A=
+  void getImageToVar(imageObj *image, char *OUTPUT) {=0A=
+  =0A=
+	// return the rendered image data back to the script=0A=
+	void *imgtmp;=0A=
+	int imglen;=0A=
+	// Check interlace and transparency parameters=0A=
+	if(self->interlace)=0A=
+		gdImageInterlace(image->bytes, 1);=0A=
+	if(self->transparent)=0A=
+		gdImageColorTransparent(image->bytes, 0);=0A=
+	// Free any existing rendered image data=0A=
+	if (self->imagedata !=3D NULL) free(self->imagedata);=0A=
+	// generic code to get imgbytes, size=0A=
+	switch (self->imagetype) {=0A=
+		case(MS_GIF):=0A=
+		%#ifdef USE_GD_GIF=0A=
+			// GD /w gif doesn't have gdImageGifPtr()=0A=
+			msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "GIF output is not available.", =
+			return;=0A=
+		%#endif=0A=
+		break;=0A=
+		case(MS_PNG):=0A=
+		%#ifdef USE_GD_PNG=0A=
+			imgtmp =3D gdImagePngPtr(image->bytes, &imglen);=0A=
+			self->imagedata =3D malloc(imglen);=0A=
+			memcpy(self->imagedata, imgtmp, imglen);=0A=
+			self->imagelen =3D imglen;=0A=
+			gdFree(imgtmp);=0A=
+			return;=0A=
+		%#else=0A=
+		  msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "PNG output is not available.", =
+		%#endif=0A=
+		break;=0A=
+		case(MS_JPEG):=0A=
+		%#ifdef USE_GD_JPEG=0A=
+			imgtmp =3D gdImageJpegPtr(image->bytes, &imglen, self->imagequality);=0A=
+			self->imagedata =3D malloc(imglen);=0A=
+			memcpy(self->imagedata, imgtmp, imglen);=0A=
+			self->imagelen =3D imglen;=0A=
+			gdFree(imgtmp);=0A=
+		%#else=0A=
+			msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "JPEG output is not available.", =
+			return;=0A=
+		%#endif=0A=
+		break;=0A=
+		case(MS_WBMP):=0A=
+		%#ifdef USE_GD_WBMP=0A=
+			imgtmp =3D gdImageWBMPPtr(image->bytes, &imglen, 1);=0A=
+			self->imagedata =3D malloc(imglen);=0A=
+			memcpy(self->imagedata, imgtmp, imglen);=0A=
+			self->imagelen =3D imglen;=0A=
+			gdFree(imgtmp);=0A=
+		%#else=0A=
+			msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "WBMP output is not available.", =
+			return;=0A=
+		%#endif=0A=
+		break;=0A=
+		}=0A=
+		// return failure for unsupported swig languages=0A=
+		msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "Unsupported scripting language.", =
+		return;=0A=
   labelCacheMemberObj *nextLabel() {=0A=


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