[Mapserver-users] Streets text labels: automatic text orientation?

Pedro Salazar pedro-b-salazar at ptinovacao.pt
Fri May 30 14:01:54 EDT 2003

OK, I got it! I have to put the FULL PATH to font list file.

thanks you very much.


On Fri, 2003-05-30 at 18:46, Pedro Salazar wrote:
> Hi,
> I follow your indications and I'm getting this error:
> msGetLabelSize(): TrueType Font error. Could not find/open font
> I'm using mapserver on linux with support for TTF.I downloaded a exe
> with fonts which I extracted with the tool 'cabextract'.
> I have the following lines on my map configuration:
> FONTSET "fonts/fonts.list"
> ...

pedro-b-salazar at ptinovacao.pt

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